5 Dollar Friday Freebies - November 29, 2019
Friday's MEGA Gifts
Time Management For Entrepreneurs

The job of an entrepreneur is tough. They have to manage every aspect of their business from sales to marketing to finance.
Many new entrepreneurs believe that in order for them to succeed they have to work harder and put in more hours because the more they can accomplish the higher their chances for success.
However, in order to avoid the burnout that is so common among entrepreneurs today, you have to learn how to work smarter, not harder.
With this guide you will discover the simple steps you need to take to better manage your time as an entrepreneur so you can get more done.
Time Management For Entrepreneurs Video Upgrade

Productivity and time management skills are one of the most significant indicators of whether or not entrepreneur will succeed. For entrepreneurs, managing their time is more critical than ever.
With the same 24 hours in a day that is allotted to everyone else, many entrepreneurs feel as though they don't have enough time to accomplish what they want.
To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to learn how to manage your time effectively if you're going to increase your productivity and accomplish everything you set out to do.
This 10-part video course covers everything you need to know to manage your time better so you can accomplish more and reach your goals.
Friday's Extra Gifts

Saturday's MEGA Bonus
High Ticket Sales Secrets

Some affiliate marketers who have been struggling would swear up and down that making sales online is nearly impossible.
With the right traffic and the right sales materials, you are bound to generate sales from time to time. Closing a sale is not the problem. Generating consistent, high-value sales is the issue.
With this step by step guide you will discover how to make high-ticket sales by working with the right clients the right way.
You will learn:
Saturday's MEGA Bonus

If you want to sell anything online, it’s actually not all that hard. Closing a sale is not the problem. Generating consistent, high-value sales, that's the issue.
Even if you are able to master the art of online sales, you may still continue to struggle.
Using the high ticket sales secrets from this video course, you will learn how to maximize the return that you get for all your efforts. It all boils down to being at the right place, talking about the right things at the right time with the right people.
Saturday's Extra Gifts

Sunday Morning MEGA Bonus
1 Percent Better Every Day

All of us have goals and aspirations, and perfect versions of ourselves that we imagine. We all want to have better abs, better teeth, more confidence, and more money.
And every now and then, we get sick of just “wanting” those things and we endeavor to do something about it.
We approach our goals in the completely the wrong way. We are looking for drastic change. We want to see immediate results.
But that’s not how improvement really works.
In Japan, there is a concept known as “kiazen.” It comes from the world of manufacturing, and it basically describes “continually improvement.”
What is meant by that, is the process of making small, incremental changes, which can add up to huge benefits.
In this guide, you will learn to master the art of Kaizen, and to take a much more effective approach to change in every area of your life.
1 Percent Better Every Day Video Upgrade

Changing even a single aspect of your life takes time, dedication, and effort. Humans are creatures of habit, and once those habits have become deeply ingrained into our psyche.
And yet despite many of us knowing all this intuitively, we still seem to think that we can make huge changes to our lives on a whim.
There is a better solution. It’s called Kaizen. This is the Sino-Japanese word for “improvement” and it has adapted to represent a specific approach to improvement.
One where you make tiny improvements, take tiny steps, toward the goal that you are working towards.
This video course will help you to apply the Kaizen approach to your every day life, business or career, relationships and more.
Sunday Morning Extra Gifts

Sunday Evening MEGA Bonus
Motivation Mojo

Motivation meltdown is the feeling where you feel that you don’t want to do work. All you want to do is to do NOTHING. You felt demotivated, burnout, lazy, anxious, and all sorts of negative feeling.
You see NO hope, you don’t know what is the next stage to look forward to, you didn’t bother setting any more new goals, nothing excites you… it’s like your life is over.
Motivation Mojo’ is your ultimate guide to take the full advantage of the ‘fire’ that drives you to be insanely successful - your inner motivation.
What you are about to discover are the secrets to how the world’s high performers & successful people ‘re-fuel’ their motivation to help them to achieve lifetime goals that nobody thought possible.
Motivation Mojo Video Upgrade

If you are feeling demotivated, lack of energy, losing focus, and being unproductive maybe you are experiencing the “motivation meltdown'.You don’t feel motivated. You feel like you just want to quit your job and do nothing for the rest of your life. Nothing excites you anymore.
Almost everyone will experience this mental dilemma that destroyed so many souls.
If you are looking for effective ways to feed your fire so that you can accomplish greater goals in life, be it personal or professional goals then this video course is for you.
Sunday Evening Extra Gifts

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